

Me and my older bother (RIP) used to fuck with my younger brother and tell him that Mom and Dad got him from the 5 & 10, for 5.

Maybe the seller?

I wonder how long it will float?

Lol, as of 0852 EDT:

Came here to CP and LMAO, now I will read more about this atrocity.

Can always spot a fellow off-road enthusiast. :)

I read this story somewhere else yesterday, and iirc, I saw Musk had said something similar before about the Model S. And he had claimed forward motion based on the wheels turning. Ah, found the original tweet:

Also the hammering on the door beforehand. As much as I despise about 95% of what Musk does, that is one area I didn’t understand...under than the hilarity of it (because it didn’t happen to me). :)

Kind of feels like a “hold my beer and lets see what happens” moment, right? Though I also agree with the original poster, I just think it needs to be [or at least feel] more well thought out than it feels right now.

Quite fitting for 4/20, amiright?

I understand that, but it’s not the employee’s fault, and regardless of the ethics of the owners/C-levels/shareholders (I always feel bad admitting I own stock, because I’m a shareholder and I’m bad), if the company goes down, so do the employees.

Yeah but it’s not just big fat executives who laugh in Texas with a cigar in their mouths and get rich while bathing in oil... it’s also all the employees that are just working to put food in their family’s mouths. They’re part of that same company, but I guess fuck them too.

Lol, too early! Like the couple I read about that filed their taxes in February, but they had since moved to San Fran and now made too much money for the stimulus checks for them and their kid.

“Drake’s biggest accomplishment is leading the launch of the 11th-generation F-150 in 2004

Lol, right?

Michael Jacob Ballaheimerschmidt. His name is my name too.

Yeah, I definitely feel for you man. Epic vacation when this is all over! lol maybe, if I have any money left.

No, but you’re a semicolon user when it comes to commas. ;)

Telling everyone they’re not morons is not really a conservative principle, dude. That’s from the feel-good crowd, and only a liar would say that’s not the liberals. Please.