
No sir, I don't like it. I don't like it at all.

WHAT?! This can't be. It worked! Just a few months ago, my wife bought a Fusion! Obviously we would never have even considered it without New Girl pimping it on the show. Man, that's powerful, almost subliminal. I guess I better start figuring out what Toyota I'm going to buy.

I think this show could survive without Jess now. They don't even need a new "New Girl" technically - with CeCe in the loft, she's the default "new" girl. The rest of the cast is so strong that I'm kind of sad at the possibility that we're going back to Jess being the semi-main focus of the show.

Absolutely it was product placement. That one shot where Reagan is showing something to Jess was set up so awkwardly to showcase the ugly Toyota logo on the steering wheel. I would love to know how they think this influences anyone to buy a Toyota (or any brand of anything.) But I guess we're talking about it, so…

And hey! We won $100! Now all our problems are solved!

What I'd change is the focus of the prequels. While they're about Anakin's downfall, he should have been a supporting character. Who roots for the bad guy? The prequels should have been focused on Obi-wan and his struggle to keep Anakin from turning. Instead no one is really the focus, with Anakin the closest thing,

You do realize that’s just ground chicken, right? Do you eat hamburgers? That’s ground beef. Same difference. Same process.

Season 3 of Pete & Pete, Nickolodeon, that's all we want.

Lots of great FNM shows out there on the intarwebbz. I have a bunch of actual silver CDs I bought back in the 90s. Hard to believe there was a time when this stuff wasn't free… and in fact cost a LOT of money.

I want so badly for Tracy Morgan to star in a Wesley Willis bio-pic.

I think you could make a Case for a retrospective boxset.

Physical is actually on Broken (along with the Pigface cover, Suck) not Fixed. Fixed is a bunch of remixes and no new material.

I started it on my Kindle and then bought a paperback because I found the jumpin'-about for the footnotes to be way too cumbersome. The only book that I prefer to have as an actual book.

You should read the book. I had the privilege of reading an ARC of Sevenevens (and it is fantastic) and all of this is explicitly explained. It’s one of the most scientifically realistic books I’ve ever read. Stephenson is an advisor for Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin, so reality-based sci-fi is not a stretch for him.

The 5c pretty clearly landed face-first on an uneven block, which is made obvious when he picks it up and you can see a spiderweb spreading from a point inside the screen area. Had they just found a nice, flat piece of concrete to try this on rather than uneven cobblestone, the results would likely have been the same