
please the mothers probably already been taken care of by the government since she was born

lol like these families who cant figure out the cost benefit analysis of having kids are working

probably shouldn’t have spent their startup capital on jordans

sorry terrible black parents

thank god he was tracked to the sidney airport

are you retards joking fuck this bitch

lol at those scumbag black jurors and lol at their pathetic culture thinking letting a murderer go free is somehow justice just ugh

lol the mindset really he cut his wifes head off and the blood was dripping into his house

lol at the comments being deleted what a joke this site is

lol black people on that jury

lol india

you are pathetic

you sound pathetic

we spend like 20 thousand a year on kids in la unified and its a failure cuz their parents are failures and their culture is one of failure yet poor vietnamese students thrive how do we account for that and further direct our resources towards motivated smart minorities

because no one pays fucking taxes in that town

lol microagressions

of course he had 12 children

creed was amazing but jordan was almost supporting actor with stallone so i can kind of see why he didnt get one but it should have been nominated for something i dont know what

she sounds like a cunt

wow this article sucked