lol at calling this hazing
lol at calling this hazing
lol you think the police’s job is to service your mentally ill son that you cant control holy shit black people
lol having to teach this in 2015 fucking savages
lol women
obviously not his fault its his environment yadda yadda
he’s black and hes stupid and this is what he thinks he should tweet cuz other people on twitter say the exact same retarded shit
lol olds
sorry what does this have to do with the jury being white vs a guy who just got a huge sentence
you are probably a cunt and i feel bad for your child who will likely be a cunt
lol black “culture”
fuck this kid
lol at these whiny cunts crying and sobbing
please tell me how much they pay you to write this trash
not sure he knows the meaning of irate
what if she was a mouthy cunt
ahh academia never have the stakes been so high for so little
lol black people
why dont you just call him an uncle tom and be done with it
really you cant figure it out hes been getting arrested steadily for 7 years
lol oh no her 25 year old drug dealer son was just about to turn it around THE LOSSS THE LOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS