
Too bad the Air Force doesn’t have more A-10's that can drop smart and dumb bombs on a target accurately and from close range. A-10's don’t cost much to fly and are designed for this type of warfare. HINT HINT United States Air Force!!! Oh thats right they dont fly at 40,000 ft altitude and fly Warp 10, never mind.

For the most part Suzuki made some really nice cars and small SUVs. The A-holes at Consumer Reports caused them some some serious problems with their proven rigging of tests that made Suzuki SUVs look dangerous.


...... and they was right.

Great idea, too bad some bean counter or lawyer will shoot it down because of lawsuits.

Why would she need to send a “task force” to get information on aliens, they are her people she should know about them already.

How about the original Star Trek TV series, the crew could all wear Starfleet uniforms.

I don’t see anywhere where Bernie and the rest of the left wing politicos and their millionaire and billionaire allies such as Al Gore are going to give up their huge houses and mansions, limosines and private jets that introduce tons of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere to live like they want us peons to live.

Its a-holes like him that get more and more car shows and cruises shut down every day. He should be forced to drive a Yugo or non Cosworth Vega the rest of his life after he gets his license back.

My racist mother called me the “N-word” because I bought a purple T-shirt.