
I recently checked in on an old acquaintance who had the longest rant on FB post election on how their third-party vote wasn’t to blame, how both candidates were equals in evil, and blah blah blah. I noted that not only was her rant deleted but so were all her future posts from December on. Oh the privileges of a

As someone who has always railed against the obnoxiousness of atheists in the past I’m starting to get what all the hub bub is about. Just a few weeks ago I saw a nativity scene in front of a public school sign for a town hall meeting in my area with a bunch of white figurines and I started to wonder where Christians

I get you, but brainwashing implies a certain innocence from the proceeding and frankly so does the pure devotion to the con. In the same way that we’re starting to recognize that Melania is full on in the con, we need to start recognizing spouses as accessories.

Agreed. Nothing I have seen from Trump shows that he has any actual ability to shrug something off and in fact the problem seems to have grown with his rising level of power. One of his very basic campaign premises was fueling the Red voter off a steady diet of anti-immigration isolationist rhetoric. Even if he

You know today was the first time in awhile where I woke up, read the news, checked out twitter and began to think that people are finally getting to an appropriate level of anger.

Republicans must know that this is a different beast they’re dealing with now. The caricature of the sniveling liberal with too many tears

This is why pro-life should just be called what it actually is, anti-choice. No one’s demanding every pregnant woman get an abortion and good god, if you keep your child, good for you, no one gives a shit, it is in fact your personal choice and affects no one’s life but you and yours.

It behooves me to repeat that if