
From NJ, not from Montclair, I hate him. He’s used so much public funds for his “presidential election” and spent little to no time in NJ. I feel bad for those poor state troopers who had to escort him everywhere while he did that nonsense. And please Mr. Christie, Bruce Springstein hates you, stop going to his shows.

Christie: Caller, go ahead.

“After losing the first set of the tournament to Qiang Wang, Williams rolled through...”

Once a story is run, every other news organization runs it by saying “Thing Happens: Report”. Even if the original is behind a paywall, the derivative articles aren’t. That’s the model news gathering sites, including this one, use. As long as that is allowed, people aren’t going to pay for original content.

The guys who run these things lurve politics along with sports (right wing only), thus you get Limbaugh and Dennis Miller on MNF and Christie here. I guess they figure that loony right wingers dominate political talk radio and they will get crossover audience? It never really works though. Because conservatives are

If newspapers aren’t making money, you can’t blame Google.

He got completely owned by Trump, and was possibly one of the few enjoyable parts of this eternally raging dumpster fire that has been Trump’s campaign and subsequent administration.

Christie tried going to a public beach, but the people from Green Peace kept trying to roll him into the ocean.

Yea I don’t get it. Who thinks it would be a good idea to put a politician on the biggest time slot on an all sports station?

There is never a bad time to mention the fact that the newspaper industry’s decision to give all of its content away free online was a very bad one.

I can’t wait for that really important moment in the show when Christie has to be somewhere else so his child hosts the broadcast for a little bit. Very common.

Like how Christie tries to make it seem like only Montclair hates him. Nice try Chris. Actually 85% of New Jersey hates you. Oh and 85% of the rest of the country does too.

How did any one in his PR camp allow this?

It’s a rare time when Mike in Montclair who is hated by 99% of people who listen to the FAN gets the support of the general public in blasting Chris Christie.

Somewhat agreed. Like, what does he have to lose at this point? (Some weight, AMIRITE?)

And that’s the beauty of his shitty comeback- if he had the slightest amount of game Christie could potentially sit there, clown the hell out of people all day, and get on our good sides. But, he sucks at it so he can’t and won’t.

Chris Christie is the political equivalent of the guy who found out he has cancer that will undeniably kill him in exactly six months. It’s up to us to deny him the political equivalent of insurance that would provide palliative care. And we should shit on every last one his little make-a-wish moments.

Big Chapo audience in Montclair, eh

I knew of Sinclair and ClearChannel (and their progenitors) before the internet.

Is modern journalism worth saving? Sure, we get the odd nugget of traditional journalistic value, but so much of what’s presented to us is presented in the name of a profit - both “liberal” and “conservative” media outlets exist to divide the public, tell them what they need to buy to protect their way of life from