
This pic would be vastly improved if the wardrobes were traded.

I played high school football with Devin and if he is 5'11", I’m 6'7". Hint, I’m not really 6'7".

James Woods, too, ALLEGEDLY.

Ben Cahoon! He was Welker before Welker!

Starred for the use of putz.

That should be grounds for a legal homicide.


Seriously. WTF is this wet meat complaint? You want bone dry meat? Does that sound appetizing either?

Jim Thorpe would like a word with you.


Holy shit, I can tell from these miserable takes what a shitheel you are in real life. Congratulations?

Because she had a sheltered life followed by a sheltered collegiate experience at an Ivy League school in her own hometown (so she didn’t have to move or experience anything out of her sheltered existence).

I don’t think does grow antlers. I thought only bucks do.

How dare you besmirch the good name of Costco! I demand satisfaction. Pistols at dawn!

Still a better love story than Twilight.

That remains one of the great recurring comedy bits, ever.

+1 Best and Brightest.

Oh c’mon. That’s like predicting water is wet or the sun rises in the...direction it rises in.

It’s comments like these that make me think I need to get married. That way there’s someone around that legally agreed to be subject to my hot takes.

RIP in peace. You were a ton of fun to watch. If it’s true that you killed yourself, at least (hopefully) you aren’t hurting so much anymore.