
I also don't believe that it would crumble in a matter of days, just that many would be surprised at how fast people become totally about survival and selfish. I point to things like Tickle me Elmo and Black Friday as innocuous examples of things where certain types of people lose it over nothing. Now that I'm typing

If you've been in a natural disaster or in any situation where a needed item was scarce you'd realize things go to hell quickly. Barely 24 hrs after hurricane sandy people were already fighting because there was no gas. Within 72 hours, people were shooting at each other.

I thought this show was refreshing and fun. It seems to me the show is intentionally tongue-in-cheek so I'm surprised that so many people have problems with the premise regarding some screw-up with insemination (yeah, yeah, a pap smear would feel different blah, blah, blah). But, considering the very real and much