People DONATED money for this goober to collect virtual skins?
People DONATED money for this goober to collect virtual skins?
Quick PSA: Recurring vaginal infections may also be a symptom of diabetes so it's very, very important to see your doctor.
Ugh, I have had so many of these issues (not Ureaplasma, but this is very good information to have) that I am now the default Vagina Adviser of my lady friends. I applaud this conversation b/c knowledge is power and how else would anyone learn about vagina popsicles.
That is the WORST Christmas story title I have ever heard! (Besides Olive the Other Reindeer)
Also, calling up an ex to happily congratulate him on the birth of his baby with another woman seems like a preeeetty odd tactic for winning someone back.
Well shit, now they have to re-write the whole fifth season of Downton Abbey.
What if the man was the bottom for some of the times?
I tell people I have celiac, not because I am sensitive to gluten but rather because I don't want to get herpes from the flatbread.
That's a reasonable dealbreaker.
Saying "I don't know what's wrong with you, my last three girlfriends got off from three minutes of missionary."
Didn't believe in vaccinations. Ended it right there.
I think we have evidence of that already. It was done from about 800BC through 400AD and gave us what we call the Bible.
"Based on this Chicago Tribune article written shortly after his death, Brown was a good guy who was beloved by his teammates. He didn't end up playing pro football, but he did work in the education field, serving as a dean of students and a principal at schools in Washington D.C. and Cleveland. He and his brother…
Is it weird that I thought his expression was pretty much identical to the one my dog makes when I hold a tennis ball up like I'm going to throw it?
I would also throw acorns at you if I ever saw you and laugh right after.
I'm not surprised that Lorde weighed in on the topic. This sort of exhibitionism was frowned upon back when she was a teenager.
Well, to view it consensually you would have to click on a descriptive link first. Given that's not how the comments works, I'd say that's a no.
Yes, we will do that on the same day that anyone gives a shit about what you think.