Rubber Jeni Talia


Don't "suffer injustice". I believe I have posted this here before but if not, here goes the Cliff Notes version:

How sure are you, though? Maybe you could express it in terms of a percentage, that is all I understand.

This lawsuit has EVERYTHING.

John Travolta's simply trying to prove to people that the soul patch isn't the worst possible facial hair choice available.

Right?! My admiration for Vergara just went through the roof. Suddenly, she is way more interesting.

Or I just really wanted to go braless and wear all the bad as clothing I make. Yeah, I think that was it more than anything.

I think there's also a c) about negative effects on the people you love, and since he brought this up in the context of his wife's characterization of his drinking, I think there might be a valid issue there.

The beautiful, well-sculpted black.

of course he wants to keep the team. it's almost always in the black.

Shit, add due process to the list of rights lacking in the NBA along with freedom of speech, right to bear arms, and not requiring the quartering of soldiers.

I bailed out at "mixed race whore". But, I'm just quirky like that.

You know things have gone downhill when dementia is your best case scenario.

Haven't seen Sterling-Cooper dialogue this staged since last night's episode of Mad Men.

I watched this sketch the other day and I really liked it but my fiance (who's a man) and I both agreed that we wish she would have ended it stronger.. like say, the bf goes, "Oh, there's a chick. Rape time." or something to drive home that she didn't just "make the rape up" bc it remained her word against his until

Stop being such a swastickler

If buttsex is so unnatural, then why is poop dick-shaped?

This guy is like an Onion article that went sentient.

Now playing

She also seems to have a good sense of humor about this whole "being hot for a living" thing

Let he who hasn't used an Instagram filter cast the first stone.