Rubber Jeni Talia

Erin, can we have a discussion about how Laverne Cox did not make the Time 100?

I wanna talk about this. Laverne Cox didn't even make the fucking LIST. Yeah, she made the reader's list, but not the editor's list published in the magazine. I feel like I need to start a Twitter campaign.

so Laverne Cox can't even get her name on the cover?

I love the name Otis because I immediately think of Otis Spunkmeyer and then I think of cookies and then I eat all the cookies.

I must have an impacted bowel because ZERO SHITS ARE GIVEN!

I always expect Internet vagina, always.

Let those among us without an image of a lady inserting a plane into her vagina copied to our clipboard throw the first stone.

Internet vagina. It happens to the best among us.


Perhaps it has nothing to do with your wife's size and more to do with your size? Peni get irreversibly smaller as men get older. Also, you're an ass.

Um, no. I didn't mean you are use of grammar. Thanks for proving my point!


Surprising. Less vaccinations would lead to more dead babies meaning increased rib supply.

So is Mary Jane another pet, or is she talking about her pot?

Proffessor Farnsworth: "This isn't a business. I've always thought of it more as a source of cheap labor. Like a family."

"If I am interested in you, I will send a reply with a date and location for our first meeting....where I will kill you."

Even commenting on it proves you're a nipple racist.

Are we just going to ignore the black nipple?

oh god oh god oh god I can't stop laughing.