Rubber Jeni Talia

I'm torn on this one. I hate the cultural assumption that because I'm a woman, I love weddings and planning them and have a secret wedding folder on my laptop regardless of my relationship status. I actually am currently planning a wedding and I don't have a wedding folder on my laptop, because I can't bring myself to

Can gay owned businesses refuse services based on customers religion then?

I googled images of wolves to compare and found this:

Well, that's officially the first time I've heard the phrase "boys will be boys" referring to boys raping five-year-olds.

Wow... a crown that's EXACTLY as old as the Earth!

"Oh, and a tip...that's a glory hole and not a peep hole."

Be a little sensitive, Barry. They're an increasingly marginalized group facing backlash and struggling with people refusing to accept them for what they do in this so-called modern world. Also, they prefer the term "correspondents."

After stepping over used condoms and walking past a crudely punched hole in a bathroom stall, one journalist reported, "Maybe I should leave the hotel and go check out this gay bar."

You know, I've sat in the first lecture for a class and gotten the distinct impression that spending two hours every week sitting there for the next four months would be overwhelming. I reacted by dropping those classes and quickly signing up for something that seemed more tolerable.

This video is tedious as fuck but I'd lie on that guy's chest too.

It does not bode well that the 'missing' dog has two different names and they're both food.

But there were some great lines:

Wanted for questioning:

I was watching Battlestar on Netflix (season 3, episode 10). I cried. I always cry.

In a capitalist economy there's plenty of food for everybody, including the poor. It's just all in the pantries of the rich.

Breathe through your mouths!!!

Hey Bristol:

There have already been all those comments.


You've got that metal bean!