Ad Hominemator

Everyone’s falling for the bait pretty nicely. Who “leaked” this to whoever regurgitated the news (causing people like Grubb to stir shit up by putting out more feelers... The fuck do they actually do)? Microsoft, probably. How to reveal a wild, risky plan? You put out a wilder, perhaps related one beforehand,

I guess it’s too late to switch TO being a game dev at almost 37-years-old. Not as a hired employee at least, would have to do it from grassroots. I could physically hack it for the next few years at least, god willing, and I don’t have kids or a spouse (not interested), but I have no doubt that by the time I break

In terms of skills, tactics, techniques and tools: one deploys tangible things and employs the rest. You deploy a machine, staffer, etc in the field. You employ techniques and themes. Slight incorrectness has allowed them to become interchangeable, which means that one word has been dropped and loses its alternative

Nobody said anything about cookie cutter experiences just now.

His next THREE games, the Xbox collab with Jordan Peele etc, Death Stranding 2, and this silly-named “Physint,” — all being simultaneously developed and console-excluding in some way — are all projects in which he wants to merge video gaming media closer and closer to movie-style. Why?

That's kind of how I feel about FF16 and Destiny 2, and iirc neither game allows users to whittle down particle FX.

I think I was still in my gd twenties when this game was announced. A long time coming; I, for once, won't begrudge anyone looking to play it asap.

You lot on these websites still can't come up with a better metonym for us, huh?

Enough. None of you across the board know anything or what's what. Stop purporting otherwise (well, you aren't, kinda, but it's better to get that criticism out prematurely).

Obviously not objectively so, otherwise they wouldn’t have liquidated much of their Western holdings in a sale to Embracer Group.

“...content being sold and purchased digitally...”

We still remember spring/summer 2020, thanks.

Honestly... It’s just Keighley. Why bother mentioning his TT other than through a clinical, anthropological lens?

Indie and international dev teams of smaller studios had warned that market saturation was causing economic problems, which would bear rotten fruits one day.

I understand that the average gamer is a filthy moron. I worked in retail and realize they don’t know shit about anything they play, even the parts where they have to spend money.

I’ve been playing Gotham Knights this year... It’s fundamentally a bit wonky, and overall not spectacular so far.

That’s bc they can’t produce anything at the scale anymore. Like every industry with older big fish at the top, there’s no wiggle room for new blood to grow into leadership or pioneer something to become legend like their predecessors.

You know how many people watch the Oscars, at which there are ZERO preview pieces of any sort? It's still an entertaining show with star power.

I hope everyone didn't pay attention to the Youtube and Twitch chats. The YT one especially is a cesspool of brainless toddlers and corporate tribesmen.

The onomatopoeia for a chef's kiss is "muah" or "mwah," just FYI. It's better to emulate the sound of it than to imply an emoji-type action wording in asterisks.