Reality Project

This is excellent because there’s actually wine in that bottle and she’s clearly really drinking.

Don’t any of these people watch Criminal Minds?!!

That’s def. not the 6. The number trains are more narrow. It’s definitely a letter Train.

Apparently, Trump’s team drafted the executive order without any consultations with the Department of Justice and other federal departments directly effected by it. They don’t even know who wrote it. Everyone from top ranking officials to customs agents at airports were freaking out because they had no notice of this

They also saved a crazy number of Jews during WWII, and their commitment to the color orange is admirable.

They also strongly implied that we are now a developing country, its hilarious. Wonder if they have any job openings.

The Dutch are low-key heroes. They’re pretty committed to being anti-Trump across the board at the moment, whether in politics or entertainment.

I’m placing blame on people who went into the election knowing who Donald Trump was and what was at risk but were butthurt over Hillary getting the nod or some other bullshit and cast a “protest vote” or didn’t vote at all, which helped get us to where we are today.m

Such special snowflakes. The entire country is turning into a dumpster fire but at least they are still pure. *vomit* They are the physical embodiment of the “This is fine” dog.


BUT HER EMAILS! Right Bernie Bros and Stein-heads. You can all go burn in hell for the part you played in making this nightmare a reality, fuck all of you.

This is the goodest question I’ve heard in a long time.

How hard is it to sneak into Canada?

It’s crazy bc on twitter the deplorables are all exuberant about this and think it’s totally normal! This means they are draining the swamp, guys. DUH 🙄

Quick, someone check on Betty White and Carol Burnett.

I was either drunk or i fell asleep (#both)

God his little wink at the end of the sequence, right after the meteorite starts a fire in the last painting. It’s like he’s telling you that he’s looking forward to watching it all burn.


i fucking love this show. jude law is incredible. young pope in a hoodie is a real hottie. i love how smug he is and i love how he wants to fuck shit up.

Good. Fuck Stacy Dash.