Reality Project

I’m not a crime expert, but I think I might be able to tell inexperience from a professional.

Eh, I think you’re not really thinking through my comment very much. I used lucky on the basis that the robbers were armed with guns, it was a home invasion (hotel room), she was assaulted (tied up), and she was initially not forthcoming about all her jewelry (her statement). All of those, yes, does mean that she was

I still love a nude lip but this one is no bueno. Tom Ford makes beautiful ones that still give your lips some life.

Kanye styles her. The way they both talk about it has always creeped me out, because it feels very controlling. He turned her into his personal High Fashion Barbie.

CNN: Russia might have bad stuff on trump

I believe he already walked away from playing basketball while playing for the Bulls. He loves to talk about how precious his son is to him, how about not gang banging drunk women?

That’s the age of his knees...

No shit, he’s only 28? In my mind he was at least 35.

Rondo got $9M last summer; I’m sure there’s an idiot willing to pay Rose.

I mean, it’s the Knicks. Calling it “basketball” is generous.

Well, with all the injuries he’s had, he’s certainly not running away from basketball.

“Derrick Rose Considered Walking Away from Basketball”

Somehow the NBC version of this article will contain 99% less state of Rio after the Olympics and 300% more Michael Phelps.

My favorite fact about Denver/Colorado is they said fuck off to the 1976 Winter Games. They got the bid and everything and then just dumped it off at the goodwill when they realized what a shit sandwich they were in for. And this was in 1972.

I certainly prefer him to the new, official, national clown that we chose on November 8th.


The Olympics were only five months ago? Holy fuck - it feels like that was years ago. I miss Lochte being our primary unofficial national clown.

You have to be good first, before you can fail like that.

Not as bad as Germany 7-1 Brazil or that time the Warriors blew a 3-1 lead.