Lol. I’m dead.
Lol. I’m dead.
jk, very stupid comment
Yes I do.
Nah, it’d be kinda irresponsible to be high whilst nominally watching over a 5- and 2-year-old.
Former Disneyland Annual Pass Holder here. I cannot begin to tell you how much easier it’d be to go to Disneyland with two small children if both of them were high.
Are Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield still dating? I can remember my entire debit card number for online shopping, but this fact will not stay in my head.
This is all a completely planned and arranged publicity stunt to get Mariah some attention as she becomes increasingly desperate and irrelevant.
Let’s face it, Mariah has been a messy diva since before the “Glitter” days. I wasn’t even surprised when this NYE thing happened. I honestly would have been kinda shocked if she went out and gave a tight show like a seasoned pro. That’s just not who she is.
Perhaps this is Bulochnikov’s way of revitalizing Carey’s career to be more relevant in these salacious times of lowered standards
Okay, I cried.
That same “friend” also vague-posts about needing trust in a relationship and when you ask them about it, they “don’t wanna talk about it”. Then the next week their boyfriend/husband is their KING and they are SO BLESSED.
Also, does Beyonce make all your decisions for you?
MommaKris probably is ready to turn off the money spigot.
Fuck Perez Hilton.
Nope. I’ve been black for 33 years and never come across a name for braid patterns (unless you are talking about her hairline, which are referred to as both “edges” and depending upon how much you have “baby hair”).
Off-topic and very white question here: Is there a name for the scalp pattern her braids form in the header image? That is beautiful. (No, I won’t be trying it, I just want to know.)
She messed with the wrong talk show host. At least Pharrell and Janelle spoke out.
My advice: If your religion is causing you to spew out words of hate, judge, or look down on others because of who one loves then you need to change it. And fast.
Idiot. Fuck you.
I work a civil service job in NYS and he is loathed. But the alternative, on his first go-round at least, was Carl fucking Paladino.