
The Godard story from Bertolucci on the premiere of the The Conformist remains my favorite "lol Godard" story. He comes off as such a prick.

This is kind of repulsive, right? The zoo may have not been in the right, but I'm sure the people who work there (who had nothing at all to do with the gorilla's shooting) have been genuinely struggling with the incident since it happened. And here come dumb assholes on the Internet ready to harass them and ironically

Have you ever seen Revanche? It's an Austrian film from 2008 with a plot quite similar to The Place Beyond The Pines, but follows the consequences of the characters' actions without jumping forward decades to see what their kids might do.

This question is consistently asked whenever there is an article about the Purge movies, and no one to date has been able to answer it with anything more than a speculative shrug.

Euron is a Season 7 miniboss. He will probably ally with Cersei or Littlefinger, face off against Dany's fleet in naval combat, then get dispatched by his niece and nephew (or sacrificed for some greater gain by whoever he aligns with).

When Sansa said "Only a fool would trust Littlefinger" I felt a pang of remorse for her poor dead Dad.

I think that as sadistic as Cersei is, she would never go so far to kill her own children (well…maybe Joffrey). My guess is that she intended for Tommen to become ruler in name only, and rule as Hand of the King in his place. It seems like her plans didn't change that much, save for the crown that she gets to wear now.

Perhaps a fart would be more appropriate.

He's always been kind of a mysterious character, even in the books, but to me it seems that he has an almost clinical interest in doing diabolic science stuff, and is eager to back the horse that gives him free rein—Cersei, and Roose Bolton before her.

It was a great shot. The offscreen *clink* of his dropped crown hitting the floor was heartbreaking.

Probably one of the best episodes the show has ever done, but it needed just a splash of SANDOR CLEGANE!

He'll probably show up once next season to meet up with Jorah, who will be utterly surprised on return that Dany has finally left the city. And then the two will agree to join in on the Westerosi fun.

He's gotta go mano e mano with Littlefinger, so it's strictly necessary.

I certainly hope that's the resolution, and Sansa doesn't fall for his schemes once again.

Cersei has always been a sadistic, conniving monster—see Episode 2 of the series, where she ordered the death of an innocent animal to satisfying her petty vindictiveness. Now she just has the tools to deploy her vindictiveness on a massively murderous scale.

Subtext: Roland Emmerich is a hack

I'm guessing that the wildlings have never encountered a shield before, as the Night's Watch seems to not use them.

You'd think a civilization that developed entirely around the water would have developed some kind of trade economy…but no.

So…what does everyone make of the impending Stark/Arryn alliance? Do we expect Jon to buddy up with Littlefinger, the guy who basically arranged his father's death?And not to mention tried to have Bran killed and started a war (has the show covered that?). Not that anyone knows that about Littlefinger…it's just a

And the faith too!