To the victor go the spoil(ed tasting beer).
The beer appears to be a Natty Light.
They look like normal ones unless you got for those weird toe things which I just hate. :D
Barefoot running is a massive fad, and barefoot shoes have never been shown to increase running times while they have been shown to increase injuries.
you should probably just watch it
Personally, I've always wondered why there hasn't been a Capri Sun/Terminator 2 mashup.
As a bonafide 90's kid, I enjoyed this way too much. Including the second half of the short.
The penalty for dying is really not that bad. Grab one airdrop and you've negated two or three deaths. Besides, during the day you have to do some pretty gung-ho crap to die. So long as you use common sense the game's actually easy.
The most dangerous enemies in the game wouldn't be very dangerous if they took 3 shots from a puny rifle to kill. If it makes you feel better, my fiery medieval sword of badassery decapitated one with a single charged hit. Of course, I'm level 22 out of 25.
most of that game was horrible. I never even finished it.
Riptide was a stand-alone expansion.
Out of the entire Kotaku staff, I think Yannick does the best game reviews. Anyone else agree?
I was fairly lucky with that guy since he gave me a police rifle stronger than any other PR i seen so far. 254 damage compared to 180ish MR are around 130 for me.
The intro about your struggle to find a gun amused me because I accidentally found a Police Rifle on a lone survivor on the roof of a gas station during the mission where you have to go get a document for Rais. I haven't even used it.
I was almost ten hours into Dying Light before I got my hands on a gun. It was an assault rifle, and I had to kill a…