Real Green Aero

You don't need a wine opener to open a bottle of Champagne. :)

Just got back on to PSN. Yet still cannot play GTA Online ( not able to download relevant files or some jazz ).

or you don't need some arbitrary made up reason to see your family. I'm don't need Christmas to spend time with family and i certainly don't need people telling me when i should see them or play my games.

I don't understand this and the DDOS attacks that happen all the time. Nobody is making a political point or something, just pissing people off. These people have to have some really sad intrinsic motivation.

Sounds like my 2010

I just found out a few weeks ago I was going to be a daddy, so, despite the incredibly quick turnaround, 90% of presents under my tree for me were baby related.

This is what I thought of immediately.

First thing i thought of...

thanks for sourcing your reference. none of us ever saw this before.

Can't star enough, you are a snarky champion of the world.

Kenny remembers that.

for a second I went, "ew, why would he have sex with the pare—"

Wise words, Mumbo.

comment no one will raead because of the kinja pending system BS.

Yes poorly written but you get me. I hope :D :D