I'm certainly not a robot (I'm a Jumbot) so I hear you. There's always some gray area.
I'm certainly not a robot (I'm a Jumbot) so I hear you. There's always some gray area.
That's me. Common Troll. Says the Cookie Monster.
I try to if it's convenient. As in no more than half a block to the nearest crosswalk. I may live a little longer or I may not. Who knows. I'm happy with how I do things. Thanks for the cookie.
ah but my jokes really kill.
Whoa!!! I didn't say anything about rape. Rape is totally fine. A person needs some vices, no?
You're clearly smarter than the average internet patron and seem to have a safe method of saving some time. The idiot that passes me doing 60 in a 45? Not so much. I said it earlier... I do 5-7 mph over on I-65 where the speed limit is 70. I consider that within the safe zone for "speeding." Conditions permitting.
you make a fair point. Sometimes it's just a shitty situation. Not really what I'm talking about though.
Ok forget everything I said about speeding not really being worth it. It isn't (http://lifehacker.com/does-speeding-…) but anyway...
I doubt it.
Sure when I was younger and stupid. I haven't had a ticket since 2004.
The Masshole and Maineiac way. I'm originally from New Hampshire. ;)
Yeah yeah and in soviet Russia the car drives us. Whatever. For your info I lived in LA and Chicago and was never driven off the road by people who "know how to drive." But it sounded cool for you to say that.
Easy, friendo. Also is in addition to, not equal to. It's sentence structure algebra. So speeding doesn't equate to murder.
Ok. Let's not get too "aggro internet posty." Since I clearly have to explain myself to you in minutia... I live in the Midwest. Mostly on highways it's semi truck after semi truck after semi truck (which means I'm usually "passing" every 30-45 seconds). So instead of bouncing back and forth from lane to lane I stick…
Not really. I "tend" to do the speed limit. But I live in the Midwest so the highways are open stretches of corn fields. So bumping it up to 75 in the 70 zone on my way to Chicago is hardly an issue for police. But in the city where there are pedestrians and college students and children I adhere strictly to the…
I drive an Honda Oddysey and do 5-7 miles over on the highway (via cruise control). Not enough to get pulled over but enough to keep moving smoothly past semi-trucks. I also get over when Zippy McCool comes up on my tail pipe. But in residential zones and city streets I stay right at the posted limit.
Shucks. I guess I should go text and drive or something cool.
Call me a douche but I tend to just do the speed limit. Then I know I won't get a speeding ticket and have my insurance premium go up. I know right? What kind of shithead obeys the law. I also don't steal, murder or vandalize property. Square alert!
easy tiger.