Farewell, Splinter!
The point is it’s utterly nauseating that MSNBC-watching liberals are painting themselves as principled champions of whistleblowing. Liberals have shown again and again that they viscerally despise whistleblowers who embarrass Democratic heroes. They ought to drop the pretense of principles and just admit they only…
Ask William Binney, Thomas Drake, and Jesselyn Radack what happens to whistleblowers who trust the US government’s “protected” whistleblowing process. The process only works in this recent case because the whistleblower has information that powerful people can exploit for political gain. Otherwise the process is…
Liberal Democrats: “If Edward Snowden truly believes he did nothing wrong, he should man up and stand trial in a court of law.”
I am on record as disagreeing with Assange on his failure to properly curate released material, which I have called irresponsible. Edward Snowden shares my opinion. But I don’t believe for a moment that Assange’s authoritarian detractors are sincere when they imply that it’s a lack of redactions that enrages them.…
Impugning the motives and character of whistleblowers is a classic tactic to discredit the content of their leaks. It’s usually some variation on themes of narcissism, lack of patriotism, mental illness, or a mix thereof.
Nonsense. Imagine a hypothetical in which credible evidence surfaces that proves Trump a pedophile guilty of multiple sex offenses against children.
If it’s solely a dearth of votes in the Senate that’s preventing Democratic leaders from proceeding with impeachment forthwith, they ought to say so in plain English. But they’re not. The excuses we’re hearing (“Divisiveness! National trauma!”) are far removed from a simple claim of insufficient votes.
Quick question for Democrats: if being a literal agent of a hostile foreign power is not grounds for impeaching a President, what is?
Sophie, let’s be honest about the political significance of the Khashoggi murder.
I agree that Rachel has become a toxic propagandist, but I don’t condone ignoring her because she provides nightly evidence of the sleazy amoral careerism of the Democratic establishment. People need to confront the ugly reality that Rachel embodies.
Liberal Resistance™ types in the U.S. like to posture as courageous fighters but they are cowards who risk nothing, unlike gay Brazilians, who face real danger from their government every day.