Stein is short her goal. I donated because I figure anything to keep the Mango Despot out of office is worth a few dollars.
Stein is short her goal. I donated because I figure anything to keep the Mango Despot out of office is worth a few dollars.
I do not think the lawsuits will succeed. But their filing is evidence that if you poke the Adderall-addicted bear hard enough, you’ll get a response.
I donated to the recount, and I signal boosted it as much as I could. Even though I don’t think it will actually change anything. At best I figured maybe a couple thousand votes would be off, but it would settle my worried mind that tampering was happening.
But but butbutbut doesn’t he WANT those “millions of illegal voters” exposed? Is he going to let all that “widespread voter fraud” go undiscovered and unpunished? I thought he said we have a fraud problem— therefore, the only thing to do is recount the votes!
Now he’s mostly saying the blue states were rigged. Maybe he should ask for an investigation. And tackle voter suppression laws while he’s at it. Investigate it all and prove his allegations.
Who’s to say Jill Stein couldn’t benefit from a recount if millions of illegals voted? What if 123 million illegals voted for Trump and Hillary (we all know that Hillary had 800 million of them queued to enter the country in the first week of her presidency)?
All of his arguments and insults are ad hoc, so to look for some logical consistency is a fool’s errand.
“The motion also cites as evidence of a fair election a tweet sent by Michigan Governor Rick Snyder”
My partner is convinced that all his claims of rigged elections during the campaign were a ruse to get Hillary Clinton to agree to accept the results, because he knew that the election was being rigged in his own favor somehow.
There is plenty of reason to doubt the validity of the election in which the person who won lost by over 2.5 million people.
Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
Or the possibility (minuscule as it may be) that there is some reason to doubt the legitimacy of the election.
But but butbutbut doesn’t he WANT those “millions of illegal voters” exposed? Is he going to let all that “widespread voter fraud” go undiscovered and unpunished? I thought he said we have a fraud problem— therefore, the only thing to do is recount the votes!
Why even bother?!!?!?!?! Seriously, what is he so afraid of?
First, he didn’t save anything... he had Pence force the Indiana taxpayers to subsidize those 800 jobs (which works out to about $9k per job), which is quadruple the incentive given to them last time (which led to hundreds of jobs being lost/automated anyway), simply because he didn’t want to look bad.
We should all be pleased he’s set a precedent that we have to pay companies (that make millions, even billions in this case) a ransom to keep a handful of their jobs here in the US. Okay. How is this not corporate welfare? What happened to the crushing tariffs that would FORCE companies to stay that he promised…
Just because a guy running for president promises thousands of jobs doesn’t mean he has to deliver thousands, right? What are promises when we knew it wasn’t true in the first place? Isn’t giving people hope more important than being honest? -Kellyanne COnway
Doesn’t matter. He’s emboldened and promoted other people who really do want to be in power. That’s just as bad.
Nah it’s because he won’t admit he’s fat and wear a suit cut properly.
But don’t worry guys. The LGBT community will love Trump.