
Wait! I’m a North American Cracker! I didn’t know I was endangered! If we’re gone who will buy men’s boot cut distressed bedazzled jeans and Ed Hardy thermals to be worn under an ill matched flannel? Who will purchase GMC Sierras in a color that can only be described as “sexy mommy red?” Who will let you know when the

Keep in mind, Steve Bannon avoided the forum at Harvard with the other advisors, and is one of the main appointments people should keeping an eye on like hawks.

This is such bullshit. He met with Obama, realized how REAL shit just got, and got scared and sad. So his handlers let him go play for a bit to cheer him up, because they know Happy Trump is more willing to blindly sign anything they put in front of him than Scared-Shitless Trump.

“Companies are not going to leave the United States anymore without consequences,” Trump declared Thursday. “Not gonna happen. It’s not gonna happen.”

That’s the thing; even they don’t really believe it. But, damn, if that racism, xenophobia, and misogyny overlaid on top doesn’t feel so good to them. He wasn’t selling anything any other Republican hasn’t sold, it’s just this time he covered it with whip cream to make it irresistable for them. They know they are

Are any members of the Electoral College watching this shit? A change could be made come December 19th.


And this is why he ran for President. He relishes the spotlight. All he wants is to stand in front of large groups of people who worship him so he’s doing what he does best: give the people a show that will have them cheering. This is not a President who will govern. The ones who will govern are those behind him,

Oh, so now he thinks he can threaten companies and stop them from leaving. Wow, what a big man! He literally thinks he’s God and can stop people from leaving now huh? That’s a pretty big sign that he has some kind of mental disability.

Other highlights:

Oh his cabinet has years of experience... in fucking over large groups of people. Every single one of them.

Saw most of that tonight. Not willingly. Not by choice.

According to his team, Trump was getting bored and needed the high of the crowds. Did he not realize that a lot of the job of POTUS is boring and there are few accolades?

Other reports say the crowd kept shouting “lock her up” eveytime Trump mentioned Hillary’s name. I guess these people don’t realize they’ve been played and he said he has no plans to pursue criminal charges against her or investigate her foundation. Don’t these people realize we’re all about to get fucked in the ass

No mention of how, when he noted how much fun it was to beat Hillary, the crowd started chanting “Lock her up!!” and he didn’t tell them to stop, even though we all know he has no intention of locking her up, and has said as much (not that he even could, but whatevs)?

It’s like he’s not even involved in the transition for the White House.

For the next four years, Trump will continue his rallies around the country, getting his ass kissed, while Pence sits in the Oval Office.


I can’t help but get the feeling that, three years into his administration, some portions of the media will still be waiting for that “pivot” to “general election/presidential” Trump.

Is that Gary Johnson dressed as Pepe?