
Yeah I can’t really take this seriously or find this in any way to be honorable when only mere minutes before this happened, they gave Capcom an award for Best Fighting Game of the Year to Street Fighter V. An incomplete piece of garbage that has been nothing but a disaster ever since it’s release. You want to

Literally the only inequality between the sexes that the repubs care about.

Yes, this legislation authorizes the President to grab every woman in the country to establish that she’s not a terrorist, but don’t worry! It’s not intended literally!

Eh, I don’t have a president the next 4 years.

Kellyanne reminds me of a worn-out, fucked up animatronic at a pizza restaurant where the one eye doesn’t open all the way.

So Palmieri is correct. The media helped elect a racist sexual assaulter by legitimizing him and treating Clinton’s minor, minor problems As anything even fucking close to Trump’s bankruptcies and rapes and racism.

with Palmieri attacking Conway and the absent Stephen Bannon for running a campaign based in large part on racism.


“Don’t you realize the whole country’s laughing at you right now?”

We just need to reach out and try to understand him! Make sure he doesn’t feel neglected or belittled!

NPR’s Morning Edition was digging into Ellison pretty hard this week. They would not let go of his involvement with Nation of Islam even after he answered their questions and gave a good reason in support of looking at career over the last decade +.

The ADL has a long history of supporting anyone who supports Israel, and criticizing anyone who wavers. It tends to color a lot of their outrage.

Hmm yet when they were asked about Steve Bannon they defended him.

Well, you have a point there, especially with Black people’s history of keeping Jewish people, and other kinds of white people down.

Liberals fall for this all the time. That’s why my feed has been full of stupid articles inviting me to empathize with white working classes, because their economic fears made them vote for a Nazi.

To be fair, the judge only made those comments because of his economic anxiety.

“Who’s there?”

‘And mistakenly called her “the accused” several times throughout the trial...’

...and disbarred, if it please the court. Because it would please the SHIT out of us.