“Did you know a black man is 18.5 times more likely to shoot a police officer than a police officer is to shoot a black man?” she said. “Those are statistics that no one wants to talk about.”
“Did you know a black man is 18.5 times more likely to shoot a police officer than a police officer is to shoot a black man?” she said. “Those are statistics that no one wants to talk about.”
Yep. Trevor Noah has driven the Daily Show directly into the ground. This may be the final nail in the coffin.
Oh, look, poor, little put-upon Aryan Barbie. The racists! Won’t anyone think of the racists?!
Bullshit. There was no point in this election where working class whites were given any concrete economic reason not to vote Democrat. They didn’t vote for trump because the Democratic party acted like we didn’t want their votes or “insulted” them. And no, we don’t want voters whose racism is more important than their…
Anyone is saying that we should roll over and give the party to angry white guys is an idiot. The main reason why the Dems lost is because they took for granted minorities and minorities who are very left wing. Their response to what is happening at Standing Rock is the one glaring example and now they are wrongly…
Social interest is a code for our civil rights. It’s not a secondary issue.
This was posted elsewhere by a commenter but I thought it was great.
Here. It’s a real plan that’s actually kind of grandiose but not a lie like “I’m going to bring back coal.”
No, it’s not. We offer the best policies for blue collar workers, across the board. The ones that vote against that just to register how much they hate foreigners are not the ones we need to be trying to retain. We need to appeal to independents, and try to turn out the vote among younger voters, instead of…
You’re really warming to your work, kudos. I haven’t seen commitment to a bit like this since Toothpetard’s 2nd Amendment Man.
This is the saddest of truths. No matter WHAT happens Trump can just SAY that he was the best president ever and it will become truth to all his supporters.
In all fairness, KAC was jelly that teenager still had her original skin.
I hate patriotic displays and the nationalism they engender. Freaking out about the treatment flag and people losing it over not standing for the national anthem are two things that drive me insane. We are literally a country based on the idea of independent thought- on ideas not symbols. People losing it over…
That is a very good question that would make an honest woman feel shame. But not Kellyanne, the plucky, gaslighting fascist traitor to her gender. She turns around and shames a teenager for asking it.
Up next on your daily Rights Watch: Those who squat when they pee must be on a national registry.