I wish I could believe he was doing it to minimize the damage to the country.
I wish I could believe he was doing it to minimize the damage to the country.
Trumples doesn’t drink either supposedly. I believe I read because demon rum killed his brother.
That look on his face makes we wish for a video of the dinner to check his blinking for Morse Code distress signals.
Our proud Amurrican SS at work I see.
Thank you! I took an immersion class in it. Called “Gamergate Assholes Invade Reddit”.
Lol you beta cuck if you were a real alpha you could talk any ladies out of their clothes hahaha
That was before. Now, we live in a nation rules by the temper tantrums of manbabies and suburban Trumpenfraus, from the New White House (whichever Trump eyesore is branded as such) to our coffeeshops and web forums.
No, see, they need to use a drinking straw to slide over his micropenis like a sleeve, because he’s got such a tiny malformed dick it’d be like fellating a tic-tac.
Clearly Trump is just hiring whoever promises to suck his dick, and these chumps are showing up with their drinking straws at the ready to do so.
Well there are flat earthers and yong earthers too. They’re fuckin’ idiots too, just like the neonazis.
Typical rightwing blather and dodging. We’re talking America, not Europe. I even stated that we need to figure out how American radicalization differs frm European.
No, fuck Assasd for using barrel bombs and poison gas on civilians.
Did Trumplethinskin not even talk about Dylan Roof? Would not be surprised. But yeah, I imagine that to him white guy gun sprees are either justified or an acceptable risk. They don’t fit his agenda.
Scroll up, I gave you a cicada.
Feh. The reality of Muslim terror attacks anywhere doesn’t entirely erase the occurences of white guy mass murderers. Unlike Trumpkins, many of us can hold two or more thoughts at once. One being, jesus h christ why are Muslims in the US radicalized; two being how is their radicalization and how are their goals…
And a Somali immigrant apparently, so get ready for a new shitstorm of news.
Update again, CNN and local news are reporting the attacker was a Somali permanent resident. Cheeto’s scrambling to log into Twitter now no doubt.
And Michigan apparently called all their votes for Cheeto Benito today, too.
Columbus Dispatch site has more details now.
Uh, you’re a useless concern troll, fucksmeller.