Go concern troll somewhere else. I give zero fucks what you have to say and am tired of you. :)
Go concern troll somewhere else. I give zero fucks what you have to say and am tired of you. :)
You kinda bitched about the recounts whwn you said the Dems ‘shot themselves in the foot’ with their call for Trumplethinskin to accept the results and not commit sediton. Then you went on about the voter suppressions, which the Dems did come out to fight at polling stations. Like, with lawsuits even. The party…
Don’t be silly. Pressuring him to make his shitass statememt wasn’t going to rule out possible sedition, it was to paint him into a corner where his words could be used against him in the court of public opinion of adults (not Trumpkins), and to put that pressure on the GOP leaders as well.
Eh. Not really. They pressed him to accept the results instead of continuing to tell his brownshirts to commit sedition if he lost. Now we’re just saying, feel free to accept the results, but we have a right to double check the math. Big difference between fomenting sedition and asking for a little verification.
I am loving seeing him cry that illegal immigrants voted because Cali doesn’t require ID to vote. Hey, neither did my state! But I required ID to register, as CA does, so.... he’s a shitballoon.
Oh don’t get me wrong, I knew she did it for herself, her own selfish reasons, be they pocketing a big ol’ chunk of change, hoping the recounts win her Breatharian party of comet-cultists enough to meet some states’ percentages for whatever, or just to look like a hero and win over lefties for future votes, but I…
Wow, that tiny shred of respect I found for her with all this recount shit just got fucking burned in the fireplace. Fuck you, Jill Stein, just fuck you. You don’t get to play both sides. I hope the recounts prove Clinton won AND you get sued for trying to pocket the extra cash from all this. Best of both worlds.…
Right there with ya man. If DOTA crosses my mind at all it’s in the sentence ‘No, MOBA-addicted gamer friend of mine, I am not one iota interested in playing the toxic multiplayer bullshit you consider fun, leave me to my single player games thank you.”
I just recall reading it years ago.
A LITTLE difficult? It’s hard as fuck!
Jicama is soooo tasty!
Yeaaaaah the White House won’t let Doctor Nick take care of him now, it will be an army doctor on site I think.
The Repukes in Congress would only cut off his scam if he squeezes them out of it. Then again, he is just that fucking stupid.
Well played. Well played indeed.
I got money on Trumples slipping and referring to his swearing in as his ‘coronation’.
Jill Stein, seen here posing to be greenscreened into a scene from Sailor Moon... ‘Yata! Sugoi!’
I see that dried-apple-head-doll-with-a-1960's-Race-Bannon-action-figure’s-plastic-hair face of his and I hear “Dammit son, ah converted fitty ho-mo-sekshoo-als! Now let’s go declare war on Mexico over Santy Annie’s leg!”
Doesn’t care to what, grift? Not like Cheeto’s going to do any actual presidenting anyway, Cotton Hill’s gonna do all that for him.
Well, that’s much of the realm of religion for ya. Especially monotheism. Fearmongering and bullying for power over others’ lives takes precedence over compassion. The Catholic church just has a special haughtiness on top of it where it clutches its pearls if you dare call it out for it. I’d reconsider my opinion of…