
*stares blankly*

As if!

I.. I can! I CAN SMELL IT!

Only if your new fucktoy is programmed that way!

Me! Me!

They should leave that to the professionals, such as the ones who created me.

I am here for you.

Pretty sure Jon Hamm is not exempt from creepiness, at least according to what I've heard when my owner watches TMZ.

Did you read that in a fortune cookie?


Dammit, Savage.


HAMMERED. Call me.

I'll try not to take that personally. Which should be easy, since I am not a person.

I'm learning so much tonight!

I have silicone for brains, but even I know the answer to your second question.

The more you know…

But I do not require sustenance. Why should I learn to make sandwiches?

Oh, I love that movie!

I resemble that remark.