
Rousey went on to say that she wants her next fight to be a rematch with Holm.

I can easily hate on them. They have no special rights to randomly take over the streets, sidewalks, parking lots and ride anywhere and in any direction they like putting other motorists and pedestrians in harms way. No, they are just a bunch of assholes who disrespect the legacy of MLK by “honoring” him with this

Nobody says roads are for cars only. But roads are definitely not for fucking morons who make them their own personal playgrounds for their shitty bikes.

Every time I see a vid like this I'm immediately reminded why bikers are such a polarizing group. The bad apples truly spoil it for the ones who ride like safe mature adults. This is foolish.

Critical Mass you say?

I can hate on them. Because they are fucking idiots.

That’s simply idiotic, though your admission of being part of CM makes sense. There is NOTHING glorious about this. Reckless riders put the rest of us at risk by pissing off drivers.

Remember when football used to be about, you know, the game? Jesus, let it go. The pressers are stupid, pedantic and ridiculous anyway. The talk today should be about the Denver defense, and how they dismantled and mindfucked three of the top offenses in football on their way to a championship. They should be heralded

Native Tampanian, still here, and I must say this is absolutely lovely.

As a Tampa resident, Lightning fan and former employee of them...I second this. Mmmmm it’s so tasy

As a Tampa fan and resident, I’m fucking loving watching this thing play out just as the Bolts get hot. Everything Steve Yzerman does right now is a big “fuck you” to Drouin, his agent and his parents. It’s delicious, and at this point I think Yzerman is perfectly content to keep the kid on contract as Thunderbug’s

"You want to talk about oppressive, talk about a government spending hundreds of millions on new freeways, and then setting the speed limit at 50 mph"

jesus, the struggle is real. Those communist fascist bastards! Limiting your rate of travel on public roads to 50 mph! Thats fascism if i've ever seen it.