
If whether or not you like an artist’s work has anything at all to wanting to see him brough down for sexual harassment or abuse of power, you are MISSING THE POINT.

I’m looking forward to this bringing down Tarantino. Overrated hack

I think the reason people have such an emotional response to Nintendo is not just their ability to tap into our nostalgia like no one else, but also their ability to take risks in an increasingly risk-averse world. It really does feel like they are just a bunch of tinkerers trying to make people believe in fun again.

In the US you would be dead, your house and all your assets would be seized and liquidated, and your family would spend the next ten years getting collections calls at all hours of the day and night.

Your comment is perfection.

Native reporting in. Y’all basic.

I came in for the Saints game on New Year’s last year and took an uber back to my hotel at 3:00am NYE and my driver did 90 miles an hour while blasting the entirety of “ATLiens”—it was the most ATL thing that’s ever happened to me and I loved it.

As someone who grew up in and around the City of Atlanta, my best piece of advice is to head to the airport, and get the first ticket out of there. Of all the places I’ve lived and visited, it is without a doubt my least favorite. I could go on, but I’ll spare everyone my rant and focus on tips for those that, if by

Don’t come here. We full.

People in this town drive fast. Very fast. If you’re not going to drive fast, GET OUT OF THE LEFT LANE. Oh, and leave early for wherever you’re going. Like really early. There is always traffic. Give yourself an extra 30 mins to whatever your gps or directions tell you is your ETA.

As noted in several linked posts above and in ESPN’s reporting, numerous assaults were reported to police, only for charges not to be brought or to later be dropped. The Appling-Payne case, despite police requesting charges be brought, was dropped by a prosecutor who subsequently was hired to, yes, work in Michigan

Well, time to put my money where my mouth is.

no it isn’t.

The same generation that can make a Death Star in Minecraft?

It’s for kids.

Don’t get in the way of his thirsty trolling hate burner. In fact you should take note of him as his sort of haterade is the same sort of stuff that like minded mouthbreathers like him will be parroting any time there’s a article about Nintendo Labo.

The price includes the software as well and can be used as a learning tool according to the announcement so people aren’t paying $80 for cardboard

Well, the cardboard and a game cartridge that has all the minigames that go with the peripherals (fishing game, driving game, etc)

Weirdly, I don’t think it’s actually doomed to fail.

Who? Who says that?