Spare me. Wisconsin doesn’t have some monopoly on quality beer. Today almost every state has a good selection of craft beers available.
Spare me. Wisconsin doesn’t have some monopoly on quality beer. Today almost every state has a good selection of craft beers available.
Another major reason why millennials don’t want to live in Wisconsin, is the fact that it’s located in Wisconsin.
Chrono Trigger was a defining moment in my adolescence - it was the first RPG I put my hands on and played. And for some people, perhaps that’s a rather unfair bar to set as a first time genre experience - one of the greatest games the medium has ever offered.
Nintendo saved the game industry once, they’ll save it again if they have to.
Agree completely. From looking at the list of Weinstein’s victims, there’s also a long list of talented actresses in their 30s and 4os whose careers mysteriously veered off track around the time they were assaulted or harassed. I wouldn’t be shocked if there are writers and journalists and comedians who’ve had the…
What part of the word “temporary” are you having trouble understanding? This isn’t over at all.
‘I have all these tasty seasonings but I refuse to use them on steak, a food I enjoy.’
Well...I like the new Star Wars movies.
My in-laws gave me the first Battlefront (2015) for Christmas. I played it a bit - I tried to force myself to give it time, and hoped that I’d get the hang of the feel of it.
Totally agree with you Zero Dawn does every thing right. I am thinking I may put a second play through in on hard difficulty during the Holidays.
Yeah I admit I kind of read this article half checked out because it cited Horizon Zero Dawn as a PROBLEM game in the beginning. I agree with what’s being said but Horizon tries its best to buck a lot of the problems with Open World games and to me both it AND BotW are going to be major influences into the right…
How did you wring yet another article out on this subject? Horizon was a great game, period. I admit to suffering some “map game exhaustion” (although I resist your efforts to turn “map game” into a thing) - I abandoned Fallout 4 halfway through, and when I recently loaded up Shadow of War, my urge to slaughter…
As someone who’s still slogging through Witcher 3, I do have to chime in on the comment here - for all the praise it got, for all that this article says it transcends the genre.... it really, really, does not feel like that to me. If anything, it feels like even more of a map-icon hunt then DA:I did.
What story there…
It saddened me to see so many people commenting in the other story that they don’t believe Takei’s accuser, even when they believe accusers in other cases.
If you really want the “Heather isn’t fucking around version,” here it is:
Loot boxes are, ignoring the hair splitting of insufferable pedants like yourself, gambling. They are crafted, from probabilities to visual to their contents, to condition individuals and encourage repeated purchase and use. People with…
Counterpoint: The Vader scene at the end of RO was fantastic and I’m super glad it was in there.
That wasn’t the Old Republic. The Old Republic era takes place over 3500 years before Anakin was born. It’s primarily explored in the Bioware games Knights of the Old Republic (and its sequel) and the MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic
Can we finally get a movie set during the Old Republic.
Muppet Treasure Island is the best Muppet movie and this article is trash.
Fuck your priorities