
One Lars von Trier puts Earth at over-capacity already, thanks very much.

There is only one Vigilant Citizen, and you, sir or madam, are not them.

Ugh. Not even 'creative', GOP. Stole it from Australia, you lazy bastards.

Not only will she be white, but don't forget that she'll be "quirky" cool in the most transparent sense of the word and most likely be the love interest of the popular jock in school at some point but really love the school bad boy or vice-versa. I'm seeing a "My so-called life" rip off with a token friend of colour

And then in Juno, which I would have otherwise loved without much ambivalence: "All babies want to get borned!....All babies want to get borned!" So...yeah.

I think Sinead O'Connor is, as Michael K says, Not The One. As in, "not the one to fuck with". She had the initials of a dude who did her wrong tattooed on her face, you know? That's some Not The One shit, right there. I think that Miley thinks that she's a bad bitch or whatever (which is very very funny), but Sinead

It's been done already, Miley.

Wait - she's going to tear up a picture of Sinead? Why does that sound familiar.

The only way it could turn out cool is if Miley brings Sinead out on stage to tear something in half in an homage to the original incident.

Well, lets face it. "California" is pretty much GOP-speak for "faggot." That goes double for "San Francisco."

Ooh. Ooh. *Raises hand*

Palmer has finally managed to surpass both cancer and sharks on the list of things that terrify me. I'm completely convinced that simply being in the same room with her probably gives you advanced syphilis and a desire to cover yourself in feces.

Anyone remember when Miley threatened to "ruin" Radiohead for having the temerity to snub her at the Grammys? It was almost as though they wanted to prepare for their performance in private or something!

It's not true, I did not betray him, it's bullshit, I did NAAAHHT.... oh hi Thor

Made me want to commit genocide and destroy the environment out of spite.

Now playing

Two movies. One called The War Game. A Black and White movie about what would happen to a village some distance from where a small nuke hit. (Not to be confused with The Matthew Broderick) It was grim and terrifying and it pointed out all the bullshit about "duck and cover" and the aftermath. Then the second a movie

My suggestion for a theme song?

You're not making Pornography better, you're making punk rock worse!

This is what I imagine the 70's was like as everyone began sobering up at the end of the day.