
It was well-written, but in terms of visual craft it struck me as actually regressing from his earlier work.

At the moment, it means a lot to Sony. I can't see something like that happening while a successful film franchise is in progress - the Star Wars sale happened years after Revenge of the Sith.

"I can see a Russian speaker from my house!"

Has there ever been an actual Luna Moth comic, based on Chabon's descriptions? Because there really needs to be.

You know what embarrassing, adolescent habit I gave up years ago? Caring about whether other people thought I was Serious And Mature.

Yep - as with Star Trek Into Darkness, Kurtzman and Orci aren't interested in the set-up, just the highlights reel. Even when it was the set-up that made the great bits great.

The Dissolve have a good article up considering Orci and Kurtzman's screenplays as a group, and what it says about them and modern Hollywood.

How independent can you be when you're a cult member, though?

Ha, me too! I saw some photos online of him standing outside the bus station in my town and was weirded to pieces. We are not a place where A-list movie stars regularly holiday.

He's often described as "dark-skinned" or "gypsy" in the novel, but it's not clear what that translates to, seeing as it's set on the North Yorkshire moors; literally anyone who's seen sunlight within their lifetime would stand out a mile.

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Without David Attenborough, I'd never have known that slugs mating is a really beautiful sight.

I was amused when he said that his first reason for putting Batman in was that it would be "cool". One of the funniest parts of his recent rant against Terry Gilliam was when he said he never does things just because they're cool.

Oh man, I fucking love that film and that scene. It's wonderful how she keeps trying to make it into a semantic argument because deep down she knows she's way out of her depth emotionally.

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That's cool! I'd never heard her talk about her parents before, which is odd, because if my mother created the most joyous piece of music in the history of the world (below) I'd never shut up about it.

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That's cool! I'd never heard her talk about her parents before, which is odd, because if my mother created the most joyous piece of music in the history of the world (below) I'd never shut up about it.

Beck's reaction slays me because he's a Mormon - his whole religion is founded on some guy adding a load of extraneous material into the Bible!

Yes, yes, but is she pretty?

She always sounds so fucking radged about everything. I remember when she first came out and I never heard of anyone having a problem with it, or criticising her, and yet all her comments were along the lines of "YES I LIKE MEN AND WOMEN GET OVER IT OK STOP HASSLING ME". Now she's gone back in the closet in every

Their relationship must be like the YA version of Siddhartha and Govinda.

Well, they sure do have a lot of time-lapse footage. I'm convinced!