
Directed by Peter Capaldi too. Actor, director, musician, Time Lord, wizard of expletives. There is nothing that man cannot do.

Yeah, I always liked his flow more than the music he was putting it to ('Hard Knock Life', bloody hell), but he seems like a genuinely nice, intelligent person. And those quotes about crack and class are way more level-headed, reflective and honest than I'm used to hearing from celebrities.

I feel like sluts is becoming an overused word. We need a sexy, new one, such as "promiscubots".

He needs to have a sit down and a talk with Edna Mode.


"This younger generation is terrible! Why haven't they fixed the economy we fucked up yet? Pour me another martini, Clyde; I'm about to send another first draft in to Tina Brown boasting about my sterling work ethic."

Millennials can't get enough political dramas starring people who could be their parents, don't you know!

I think you've just put your finger on what she finds so unpalatable in the modern world; if she was starting out now, nobody would notice her. She'd be just another spoilt, self-regarding blogger who wants the world to listen to her pain and her pain only. She'd be Cat Marnell.

Double post, ignore.

Damn. I was really hoping the Republicans were going to go through a major part of their electoral cycle while refusing to appear on a major news network. Maybe if that worked, they could refuse to appear on any news network! Then never appear in public! The sky's the limit!

Zack Snyder's interviews about that were comedy gold. He wanted to, like, y'know, create a really strong feminist movie that caused fanboys to reflect on their objectification of women, but, y'know, it's OK to shove the camera up Emily Browning's skirt every. Fucking. Shot.

Watching the trailers for the second movie, I really don't know whether it's going to be good or bad, but I feel like I already know Portman is going to do her best to sink it. She seems to make it a target to do one movie per decade where her every line delivery doesn't make me cringe, and this isn't it.

The best kind!

I remember that case, and although Brown was immensely disingenuous on the stand, I did agree with the verdict. If novelists could be sued for being inspired by factual events, the major news channels would have a field day suing everyone who's written a novel about 9/11.

I tried to read AHWOSG when my dad was dying of cancer, and I still couldn't find anything even slightly moving or interesting in it. Later on a friend bought me a McSweeney's compilation for Christmas, and though there was some good stuff in it (Paul LaFarge, and some of the non-fiction and humour pieces) most of it

"You feminists are so thin-skinned and easily offended! I will continue to whine like a baby for the next eight hours solid because you do not enjoy something I do!"

Britain had one of its periodic recent 'debates' about banning burkhas recently, too. I can easily imagine a lot of the people sending threats here went onto the Daily Star website with curry-stained fingers, typed something about "our country, our rules", then went off to say a woman should expect rape threats when

Yeah, I've got to admit I'm OK with people sending rape threats under their real names. Maybe they could improve it - say, adding their home addresses, or CCing every woman they know - but for now, keep up the good work, fuckwits!