
Hah, carbs.

I’ve been following Aragon for a long time and he really has put together some extremely useful resources for “regular dudes” getting jacked. As a victim of sexual abuse (and yes, I am a man), I’m sorry for the all the woman who were subjected to invasive and unwelcome pressure and physical contact. It’s grotesque and

Jay is my neighbor. Just wanted to chime in to say I am proud of him for acting on the credible allegations when they were presented to him. So often we hear stories of how celebrities were enabled by others (usually other men) who turned a blind eye. Nice to see a guy like Jay who refuses to give this guy a platform.

“What if she’s lying, bro?” feels like it should go up there with “Grab ‘em by the pussy” in the Hall of Shame when the history of sexual harassment is written.

I saw him speak at a conference a few years ago. Truthfully, I didn’t have a clue who he was, but it was a big two-day NSCA conference here in DC.

Fuck this dude

This story is so disappointing to me, Alan was a guy I had been following for years and was a huge influence on my nutrition/health transformation. I am so glad that it is at least being brought to light so the chances of him doing this again are limited. Hopefully the victims can heal from this and it is at least

white wine. Suburban women prefer white. bartender here

But I hear it has tasty raisins in it!

I’m white and *I* won’t listen to this nonsense.

She didn’t need permission. In the U.S., anyone can release a cover of a song as long as they notify the copyright owner and pay royalties.

LMFAO!!!! She straight Pat Boone’d that song! I can’t stop laughing and my ribs hurt!

Oh no! You will not make me listen to this white nonsense! I will not do it and I’m still declaring this to be trash. You don’t have to listen to the snake herself to know this is garbage. What’s next? Will we have her potato salad foisted on us too? No ma’am!

Black girls get the least care of all. It’s terrible. White people dismiss them for obvious sexist and racialized reasons, and many Black folks are so entrenched in protecting Black men and boys (something that grew out of very legitimate fears and reasoning) that Black girls are sacrificed and abandoned. We need,

Hell Republicans don’t even care that entire classrooms of little kids get shot up. Oh sure they pay a little lip service. Offer up those incredibly useful thoughts and prayers. But, help support any meaningful change in legislation? Well, I think we all know the answer to that.

Thank you for this.

The culture of disrespect towards black women starts as soon as little girls take their first steps.

Thanks for this. We need to call out each instance of little black children being treated like grown adults and having their concerns and feelings ignored. We need to be as vocal as possible about how our children are treated (especially at school) and to talk about mental health issues in the black community. And the

I, in an un-premeditated move, revealed to some extended family members that I’ve living with disassociation (still do...) and with suicidal ideation (mmmm...somewhat, still do), since I was five years old. This came up because they were “wondering” why young kids were now killing themselves. Then they were trying to