
Let me guess, you hate unions and love child labor.

I wish someone decided to school this clown on what Mother’s Day was started for in reality.

Ladies and gentlemen, America’s mayor!

Samhain is part of a troll farm. Just block.

Solitary. It can be used to drive him mad to the point of suicide. He can’t get a mouse pregnant, can he?

It's funny how people have cars. Who said anything about living there?

West Virginia has access to a significant talent pool from Virginia and Maryland.

Capitalist = Nazi. The story tracks 

Since "thoughts and prayers" became the response.

If you can swing it, walk.

Hail Hydra, I suppose.

Wasn’t CNN started by Ted Turner? When hasn’t it been a mouthpiece for the 1%.

Who was 19 and provided alcohol. And who he tried to groom.

If you have to shovel shit, grab the shovel" was the way I was taught to think about it.

I like this, but can we also get the equivalent for good shit that is happening by folk fighting the good fight.

Anyone put in solitary, even for a second, has been there too long.

When that thing is 8 feet tall, vacuums, makes my kids lunches, and can save my ass from an overly aggressive treadmill, give me a holler.

Just, damn.

Looking starved is coming back into vogue. Just in time for everyone to actually be starved.

Delicious irony.