
Be kind. We found someone that is tettering between facts and believing anything they read on line.

The weird glue that keeps tomato seeds together, eggplant as a whole, and (some) mushrooms give my tounge some issues. I can work with all of that.

I can make some guesses about the people involved.

Had to save a couple bucks on this non-story somewhere, I suppose.

Cops don't have to stop a crime. They can just watch it happen

Cops don’t have to stop a crime. The supreme court already let them off the hook. They have no right, i wish he called friends to yell louder at them

Isn't Cochella the new/old Austin. Who cares.

Thank you everyone. I stand by the fact that the article is poorly written. It was early and I wasn’t understanding the everything.

Thank you everyone. I stand by the fact that the article is poorly written. It was early and I wasn’t understanding the everything.

Thank you everyone. I stand by the fact that the article is poorly written. It was early and I wasn’t understanding the everything.

Thank you everyone. I stand by the fact that the article is poorly written. It was early and I wasn’t understanding the everything.

So, he’s wrong? Is that what I’m supposed to take from this half of an article?

Glad to see we have gotten to the "emporer has no clothes" phase of the procedings.

And that, dear reader, is why every dollar after the first billion should be taxed 99 cents on the dollar.

Fair enough that he has a doctorate. It is not a PhD, however 

As soon as he shows his PhD, I'll give a shit.

He could date another senator on the DL and find a river. 

If he gets an intestinal tapeworm, he will brag about the weight loss

The tapeworms know better.

Marinade, among many great things it will do, will make small portions of any meat edible.