
Eight! None of my own of course but I'm betting better.

If Nintendo is toying with the idea of a female link, they should go all the way and have a female Ganondorf too.

Just use tape, thats what I do.

With the amount of ridiculous drifting I'm seeing I feel this game should control like Outrun 2. Ridge Racer at the very least.

I love the Saturn too. I have every european release, a few US titles and an extensive Japanese collection. It was a great system that was unfairly treated at the time.

SoJ were also responsible for replacing Tom Kalinske with *gulp* Bernie Stolar, the bastards. Stolar may have been a smart businessman but he did no favors for the company's image.

So many people in this thread have clearly read "Service Games: The Rise and fall of Sega". This makes me so happy.

I find it funny when Nintendo fans still try to discredit the Mega Drive/Genesis, like it was still 1992 or something. What are they trying to prove exactly? It makes them sound so insecure; like they need to constantly reassure themselves or something. Go to any popular YouTube video about the Mega Drive/Genesis and

What a bastard! Why would anyone do something like that!?

I have two of the 6 button pads. Half of my MD/Gen collection is in storage now but the few I have near me include:

I can read fine thanks. Maybe you should learn to stop sucking so much dick and do something more with your life instead of insulting people on the internet all day.

Soooo why is this on a gaming news site exactly?

I still have mine. NO REGRETS!

Only topped by the japanese Saturn pad. So good companies are still copying it.

Also Nintendo had very little to do will Sega's demise. Alot of that was Sony's fault and mostly Sega itself. *Cough* Saturn *Cough*

Sony didn't kill Sega, Sega killed Sega.

That is a very fanboyish and opinionated veiw. 3 and 4 are especially erroneous. Be ashamed. You need to learn your video game history.

I'm getting a fancy one because I backed it.

Oh god, looking back at the 90's kills me sometimes.

John Travolta?