
Glad to see somebody sticking up for all the actual hardworking DJ’s who work using only free-trade, organically grown beats.

Similarly, you can get more food for less by digging through a dumpster.

But was it normal rain... or was it Chubby Rain???

You know, I’m not a big fan of Billy Graham. I grew up Christian and he represents a side of Christianity I’ve never much cared for. At the same time, the vitriol in this comments section is disgusting. Celebrating the death of anyone is pretty nasty behavior and celebrating the death of someone who is at worst a

I see the anti-religion people are out in force already here. Didn’t take long.

Agreed. Qdoba is superior in virtually every way.

Especially the part about not poisoning people.

Makes me wish Nintendo brought Captain Rainbow over to the west. That game looks weird as hell, but oddly fun. Alas, it was never meant to be. If we’re not getting the Tingle games, we’re not getting Captain Rainbow.

The Pats could have brought a fan onto the field during play, shot them, and still have the refs give the Jags a penalty.

$70 for a bunch of cardboard and a game, and games are normally $50-$60. I suspect if you need to buy replacement cardboard it’s probably a lot cheaper. It’s also probably pretty sturdy cardboard.

Now playing

The “crippling social anxiety” one is terrific

No no no. Gremlins 2 is legit good. Not so bad it’s good good. It’s a goddamn good movie.

Racist. Homophobe. Has admitted to sexually harassing women. Has been verbally abusive to his daughter.

They should call it ‘The Rude, Thoughtless, Little Pigs’.

Even the supposedly good part (Disney getting the rights to fox’ marvel properties) doesn’t strike me as that great. Age of Apocalypse aside, Fox has largely done well with the X-Men property (both in the cinema and on TV) and I’d just as soon keep mutants in their own universe away from MCU. You could argue that FF

For anyone who still thinks he should be on TV more often

However, something else to consider: Giancardlo. Thanks.

William, we know what Mel Gibson has said and done. Mel Gibson knows what he’s said and done. We also know, and have known for decades, that he has real, diagnosed, serious mental health issues. He’s also paid a pretty substantial price for all of it. He rarely works on anything he’s not making himself (all of which

I walked in with very low expectations, given the history of this rushed and half-assed cinematic universe and the low tomatoscore. But I walked out of the theater in a much better mood than I entered. All I needed was for the characters to be fun and *enjoy* saving people, and that’s what I got.

Neither Pat's nor Geno's have the best steaks in Philly, just the most famous ones. I'd say the definition of a Philly sandwich isn't even the cheesesteak. Roast pork with broccoli rabe and sharp provolone, preferably from DiNic's is the way to go, IMHO.