
Look, you would never understand what it's like to be a 1% minority. They have to withstand baseless attacks like yours all the time. You should take some time to think about the privilege that you have, and he doesn't. Maybe then you'll find some compassion.

He just has rich guilt. That's the only reason why some rich people vote Democratic.

Whatever. All those rich people you're talking about just can't let go of their rich guilt.

Sure, if you want to re-define "successful" so that it doesn't mean rich. And who cares what money does or does not buy - you people just want to make everything about money.

Who cares if his parents are billionaires! Above all else, they are people, and that's what should matter first. And of course he is a billionaire - the headline makes sure to mention that, because everyone that reads Gawker is a raging classist. They are famous for being highly successful billionaires.

Nope, Two And a Half Men.

Classic bigot response - act like you're facing bigotry just because I'm pointing out how prejudiced you are.

It's the coded language that bothers me the most. They'll call billionaires greedy or out-of-touch, or say things like "their relentless pursuit of profits above all else is detrimental to the health and success of our nation and its economy" but every mouth-breathing liberal knows that they really mean "People with

No, I had to sign in with my Twitter account... What's satire?

Calling me a moron? What a coward! Just say it: you hate me because I am rich.

He's famous and rich, and according to another commenter - he hangs out with Andre Leon Talley whenever he wants. That is very highly-successful - especially the billions of dollars that he has.

They're billionaires, who are famous, and have been profiled several times by different publications. Don't covet thy neighbor's things - Jesus tells us not to.

Well you're the one who brought race into it! And if this isn't about bigotry and it's really just about jaw-droppingly self-absorbed assholes, then why does the article even have to mention that he's a billionaire? To drum up the Liberal base, clearly, since you all understand exactly what the author and all the

Oh, really? Then why doesn't the headline just say Excruciating teen? Why does it even matter that he's a billionaire? You Liberals are obsessed with class - it's practically all you see. I can't wait until we live in a country that is class-blind.

Oh, that's just rich! Of course you'd pull the race card out to distract from your own bigotry. Bigot.

Well my father was a mechanic. His father was a mechanic. My mothers father was a mechanic, my 3 brothers are mechanics, 4 uncles on my fathers side...

Typical Liberal reaction. Overreact as soon as anyone mentions class warfare, and talk about how you have "rich friends" so there's no way you can just be a classist who hates the rich. Besides, you probably only know that rich guy because you cut his grass. Democrats are so morally bankrupt.

Ha! What world do you live in where Liberals threatening to move to Canada was even remotely close to the disdain showed by Republicans? I mean, fuck, Jan Brewer screamed at him, and a Republican congressman interrupted him to scream "You lie." Fucking Christ, Republicans can do enough mental gymnastics to believe

Oh. My. God. He is impossibly terrible. He leaves me as incredulous as Honey Boo Boo, and woefully depressed.

You Liberals are just fucking ridiculous. I wish one of you had the balls to just come out and say it - you hate them because they are rich and highly-successful.