Agentboolen on YouTube

They need to get on the REAL issue here.

She’s pretty much just wearing 80's gym shorts. Nothing spectacularly obscene. Hell, I posit that Zero Suit Samus is far more ‘revealing’.

*Game announces dlc before game is out*

It seems so obvious now I see it onscreen but they should really have called the game this. Really.

OMG I’m going to forever refer to God of War as this!

There is no way that scummy devs don’t take advantage of the “opt out of reviews” system. Sure, people can abuse reviews, but it’s also one of the few tools we customers have to defend ourselves against cashgrabs, buggy games or outright scams. There’s so many games coming out that it’s impossible for websites to

Lady Gaga + Bayonetta is one of those combos that you would never think of but totally makes sense.

Why are all you lazy people buying beer at breweries when you can just steal a keg and roll it out to your car for free?

RetroArch’s UI is alright.  My biggest problem with it is how bad the rom identify/tag filler is.

I assume including a Dual Shock controller (or two) would increase the price beyond what they wanted to hit, but yeah, it’s definitely a bummer that they didn’t include it.

Yeah. And did you hear Marvel had the audacity to sell Avengers 3 on Blu-Ray and digital formats? Shameless cash grab. You lazy people can just Torrent the movie for free!

Man, I totally read that comment in Comic Book Guy’s voice.

It was a big miss not to have dual shock controllers. They could have switched up the line up a bit, like putting in ape escape.

It’s a hard pass for me on this one. The game selection here pales in comparison to what Nintendo has offered on their mini consoles. Plus no dual shock controller is baffling for games like Ridge Racer Type 4.

these games are already available on PS3, PSP, and Vita. This is definitely a shameless  cash grab

I love how it takes WWE to get an american’s attention about the corrupt terrorists that are Saudi Arabia. 

Came here to post this.  The sampling used in this test is objectively flawed.

Chewy Chips Ahoy, but microwave them for like, 15 seconds. They’re not homemade, but they’re pretty good. 

-One- soft cookie? I understand not being able to get every bag off the shelf but this is too much.  I demand a soft chocolate chip cookie face off!