I didn’t. My first thought was “Didn’t he get arrested for beating his wife and get into a fist fight with his son on Father’s Day last year?” Then I read the comments and remembered that he has a big dick and a sex tape.
I didn’t. My first thought was “Didn’t he get arrested for beating his wife and get into a fist fight with his son on Father’s Day last year?” Then I read the comments and remembered that he has a big dick and a sex tape.
Tommy Lee is a fuckwad but “All parks will be renamed Rosa Parks ASAP” and “And every single time a Trumpster complains about any of the changes, we’re adding an openly gay character to a Disney movie” were fucking gold.
Like, on the one hand, I go “Threatening to do all the things they hate so they can point and go ‘Look, look, we’re right!’” is maybe not the best tactic.
Then I look at what Tommy Lee’s proposing here and I’m trying to figure out what asshole would oppose any of it?
Try the McPence. It’s a boiled unseasoned chicken breast that you have to eat in the closet with your mother
Weed will be legal to buy in IL just 11 days after release. I figure I am going to need to smoke approx “all of it” to get through this movie
“The problem with the new Lion King is that the animals just aren’t expressive enough”
I picked the wrong day to stop drinking
Man I hate musicals.
I had an infestation in a shitty building I lived in many years ago. I was washing dishes and saw one run across the counter. I hacked it in half with the knife I had in my hand, and THE FRONT HALF KEPT RUNNING. Worse, I saw the front half again a few days later and it was still alive. WHAT THE FUCK.
For the ones that are visible, my WW2 era flamethrower has never let me down.
God. Killed one in my apartment last week that had fucking muscles.
Are you black? Are you female? Have you ever lived through live as one without being on some Racheal Dozel shit? Because if not I don’t know how to adequately explain this to you so ...
The tone of these comments seem to be calling her “uppity.”
No, she's not, and fuck every last Nazi talibangelical fauxminist who starred your ignorant shitpost.
Oh yes.
Feel strongly that in a video game themed gala she’d go as Ivy from Soul Calibur in her George Washington costume
I hope The Academy will likely reform the voting process to make sure shot like this doesn't happen again.
The stupid, controversial white savior movie that also isn’t that great of a movie, tbh. I mean it really is reverse Driving Miss Daisy. I did enjoy Spike’s crack to someone in the press that every time someone is driving someone he loses - a reference to his snub in 1989 for Do the Right Thing.
Ok I have to admit, when Bloody Shoes came out I couldn’t stand Cardi. Now, I’m over here trying to not stan Cardi to the point of creepiness.