
I am so tired of all the NFL players dating each other openly and having sex with each other before during and after all their matches. I miss the days when a quarterback would marry his favorite football and then stay married to it until the football had sex with a referee and the quarterback had to throw them both

Getting hit by a car ball is notably absent.

I can honestly say that as I scrolled down, I told myself meat and super best be 1, 2 in some order. Kudos!

Wow, you got them all right, in the correct order, the first time! Deadspin writers always fail at that.

This is the photo from the story directly above this story in my news feed. Weird. I wonder if it’s the same photographer.

holy shit this is so played out

I fucking hate college sports so hardcore. And shit like this is why. Who gives a flying fuck if Yale is going into the NCAA tournament? Holy shit you man babies it’s a FUCKING GAME! Why do men think they are less emotional than women? I’ve known men I can’t even approach the next day when their teams lose. Like