Real Serious Assassin

@zkotaku: I agree with you there, buddy. The best sports video games are basketball ones. Especially 2K Sports ones.

@Spoony Bard: Yes, congrats indeed. Tell you what. I'll swear my loyalty to Kotaku forever if Bash recreates the starting sequence from the Lion King with MicroBash.

@ViolenceMan: God I love that name. I could say it over and over again. Mombasa, Mombasa, Mombasa, Mombasa...

@logicbox: Not really. I will be picking up GOW2 (God, not Gears) and NBA 2K9(for PS3). Not to mention, that Go Diego Go! game.

@moehannes: Oh, most definitely. Third world country millionaires dedicate their whole lives to their work. No time for fun.

@manusdei: Well put. Obama ain't socialist. The sooner you learn that, the better off you will be.

@Lazlo: Aren't you just filled with pity for him? The poor man has to play games for a living. :(

@kw4k: I know you're being sarcastic, but man, I am surprised they gave a perfect score to a PS3 exclusive. I was always suspicious of G4 being Microsoft's friend (with benefits).

I thought the demo was absolutely beautiful. But man, that sense of panic you get when you have to get away from the dudes with the guns was too much for me. Guess I really am a softie.

Haha, one time I spilled Dr. Pepper into my Dualshock and ended up throwing it out the window. o.O Sound familiar Owen?

Jaffe= Epic Win.

@breadtruck: I will be getting neither because I got scared out of my pants by the original Gears. And it wasn't even horror like L4D...

@bnpederson: Cheers to you, sir. Still, I hope my beloved Sony takes note of how their empire got overthrown by the two white boxes. They need to come back next generation with a strong offensive strategy.

Oh Lordy, seeing how much these corporations make reminds me how poor I am.