Real Serious Assassin

Whoa, this is actually real? Lmao.

@nico1606: LMFAO! For some reason, I find this post to have comment of the week written all over it.

@Marlor: They make it WiiConnect12? Use only 5 watts? XD?

@Alex: And I'm buying up all the world's gas so you can't drive that Hummer.

I would congratulate him but I'm not sure if he makes more money at his new gig.

@Mister_Jack: Oi. Thought you had me pinned there, but what if he just made the name now... No, I need more proof.

@fastmb: I can tell you're trying to hint at something here, but I just can't put my finger on it. Jk, Jk.


@OneFreeMan: Lol, probably not. Although in my case I'm giving my loyalty to a fellow Asian establishment.

@DimmuJed2: :I. I don't suppose you have any proof, do you?

This tempts me to go pick up a 360, but I already have a PS3.

Is Jinx the Abercrombie of the gaming realm?

Sorry to break it to you kids but this is obviously staged.

It may not seem like it, but this is a big 1-up to Sony.

@pagancollective: Yeah, it seems like the paint they are using is cheap and tacky.

I seriously want to know what those super secret games from Sony are...