Real Serious Assassin

It might actually be recession proof because I've been having an unusual feeling telling me to pick up one of these boxes since last month. I'm probably going to oblige by the end of this month.

This is wondaful!

@Mact: Lol I thought it was done already too. I thought it was just a bad case of deja vu until you said you were confused too.

This is actually a very good use of their money...

Give me Paul Van Dyk or give me death.

@Strangelove: It's an lolcat reference... Didn't mean to bust your eyes. :(

Re-enacted bushido ftw!

CaN I HaS PuPpY?

Hyuk hyuk hyuk... He said chaps...

Does anyone actually spend a decent amount of time each week on MGO?

This looks good...

Buy me a ticket, someone?

@undefined: XD. This was the first thing I thought too.

Is it just me or does Teddie seem a bit... comatose?


Wow, I have a lot of respect for this guy Daniel Floyd.

Goodness, why would they ruin such a great universe by making a half-assed movie. I am truly sad.