Real Serious Assassin

Hmph. The nerve of those piraters.

The caption on the article's picture should say, "Here's a box full of LIES."

Those dudes at Bungie are crazy! You gotta love them.

Hmm... Looks ergonomic- always a plus.

Casual gaming and job finding in one convenient package!

"We don't think of ourselves as a game company, we think of ourselves as an alternative lifestyle racing supplemental add-on to a realistic virtual experience. In other words- we are a game company, we just don't know it." :X

Sad part is, this site is going to get a LOT of hits.

Danggit, I want some PAX shwag!

I can't bear to watch him or listen to him...

I watched it on the same night! What a coincidence!

If I was Phil, I would use that thing in a pawn shop.

What he sings is not rap. He plays some music, yells out words, and sits back while the money pours into his pockets.

The graphics may be better, but Rockstar has already sold many copies of GTA to console owners, many of whom would have bought the PC version were it available at release. In other words, Rockstar can't expect TOO much revenue from this game.

Awesome! I have really been needing a good-quality snap-on keypad. And since this is coming straight from Sony, it ought to be good.


Good to hear this from her, but it's still really hard for me to forgive her for taking 20 minutes off of my lifespan telling me about her "hilarious" ski trip.

Never was one for horror games but those graphics are too good for me to be narrow-minded. BTW, did anyone else see that gigantic foot stepping on the protagonist? I smell a previously unknown plot element...

That Nancy Drew game must be a thing of wonders, staying on the top of the sales charts for so long. I oughta check it out. XD

Oi that's impressive. Congratulations to Microsoft for accomplishing this feat. Take not Sony and Nintendo, this is why you gotta keep your eye out for a potential dark horse.