
Me, too. Tears sprang to my eyes, which isn’t something I thought would ever happen to me during a Beyonce video.

that little boy in a hoodie in front of the police, and the cutting to the “stop shooting us”... damn, that did me in.

I’ve definitely misjudged the strength and eaten too much of a potent edible and it's always just made me very uncomfortable and then sleepy.

woman does thing, is happy. society burns.

Attention all news outlets:

He wouldn’t ask a man the same question. That’s the problem.

yeah like in the victorian days i would probably have been illiterate and living in a shack farming strawberries in the pacific northwest after a long boat journey that would have cost me my unborn child

The most comprehensive response to this asshattery was a comment on by someone named Angela Blue pointing out the uber-hypocrisy:

She actually performed at the show which sort of makes this funnier.

Btw, calling it “twit shit” doesn’t really make me want to fix this problem but I will because I am a magnanimous blogger.

“The sisters weren’t convicted of any crimes, rather their sentence was punishment for their brother’s elopement.”

I lost my uterus (I like to say “misplaced” b/c it gets good looks from people) a while back, and it’s a sucky thing to go through. Since I’m sure Kim K is scouring the Jez comments for advice, wink, here are some good things to focus on:
1. You’ll never have to buy tampons again, and you can re-purpose your existing

Some of the funniest TV shows have the most depressing premises. Breaking Bad (at least the first season), Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Orange is the New Black, etc etc.

If I kak first- I’d like my ashes to be made into a diamond... Then MrGhostBoobs can give me to his next old lady (without telling her, natch.)

Did you NOT see Chanel in the 90s? They were very much about that shit. They had a “hip hop” collection, dressed TLC for the VMAs, and now, all the 90s “rapper” accessories they did are back in fashion. It’s real, alright. Scared? You should be.

here’s my full application

She is in this predicament because of medical malpractice. She nor her personal beliefs are responsible the sheer negligence of the clinic’s staff.