
NO! You shouldn’t feel bad.

Feck this guy...

No. Bikes sold abroad are not made here. That was presidential slander.


You’re forgetting the trade-off/pay-off for the lionesses:

On the plus side, he looks great

+1 trickle down economy dollar

well that’s obviously why it’s in the public realm then.

Crackers with cheese...RR just needs to bring the meat!

That’s definitely Zach Galifinakis


Mike Brown is/was a good coach. But this is still hilarious.

Mikey’s last name initial was R by the way...

Did James Jones have an NFL career cut short by concussions before being in the NBA?!?

i don’t think it’s a coincidence that Chuck Todd shortens nicely to Chudd

Fuck it dude! Let’s go Bol-ing!

Correct me if I’m wrong here: Aren’t body cams about sternum high????


We have to get this on a travel brochure!!